Altar Servers
Boys and girls from 4th grade to young adult assist at Masses. First Communion Required.
St. Joseph: Marcella Huttie
St. Daniel: Anna Gomez: 530-633-2288
Provides and maintains the vestments, sacred vessels, and alter linens.
Meets: 1st Friday, 9:30 am
St. Joseph:
St. Daniel: John Bruce
St. Joseph: Mary Sue Case: 916-846-0030
Take the Eucharist to the sick and homebound.
St. Joseph: Joyce Barry: 916-434-8691
St. Daniel: Janet Givens: 530-633-4365
Music Ministry
Provides musical support for the Mass with voice and instruments.
Adult Choir: 10 am Sunday Mass and Holy Days. Practice Thursdays - 6:00 pm
Men's Choir: 8:00 am 1st Sunday Mass.
St. Joseph: Nina Malone, Music Director
St. Daniel: Rick Givens: 530-633-4365, Neri Cabuco
Assist parishioners at Mass and church functions. 16 years or older welcome.
St. Joseph: Ren Ouimet
St. Daniel: Jay Gruenwald
Bible Study Classes
St. Joseph: call the parish office 916-645-2102
Religious Education CCD (Grades 1-6)
Prepares students for First Communion. Classes: Monday - Wednesday.
call the Religious Education Office 916-645-2684
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
For adults who desire to become Catholic.
St. Joseph: Linda Austin 916-645-2684
Deacon Juve Vela: 916-396-5242 (Spanish)
Youth Ministry - Life Teen (English or Spanish)
Draws young people into a relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.
St. Joseph: Dianna Noyes: 916-645-2684
Advises the pastor on financial matters to insure the spiritual needs of the parish are met.
St. Joseph: Bill Windle, Elaine Sanovich, Ed Sorensen
St. Boniface: Ed Sills
St. Daniel: Jim Dawson
Click here to see photos of our current Pastoral Council members
Promotes active participation of the parish community by fostering an environment of worship, song and prayer for liturgical celebrations.
Nina Malone - Co-ordinator: 916-645-2102
Dorothy Voigt: 916-645-8883
Monday - Friday 9:30 am - 6:00 pm in the Chapel.
First Sunday of the month at 7:00 pm (Holy Hour -music, reading, and reflection)
St. Joseph: Sal Ramirez: 916-543-5881
Meets: 2nd and 4th Saturday 8:00 am at the parish office.
St. Joseph: Ron Morin: 916-408-5646
Knights of Columbus (Click for more info)
Members embody knightly ideals of spirituality and service to the Church, country and fellow man.
St. Joseph: (Grand Knight)
Donations: non-perishable food items in the Narthex and at Safeway in Lincoln. For Assistance call: 916-645-7201
Furniture and large items: truck pickup - 916- 972-1212